That’s a strong pointer finger
That’s a strong pointer finger
Economy of scale matters, so does practicality. Which one is generally lasting longer per number of charges and what’s the long term viability of both given the time they were build and the available tech at that time? I totally understand the greater availability of sodium vs lithium. However, will it last? Last time I read much about it, reliability was weak, charge capacity over time dropped drastically, and failures were high. (It has been a couple of years, so things may be changing. )
Something new and shiney can be nifty, but past that, what is this? It seems like an expensive hood ornament that will rust in the rain. Lithium is expensive and toxic to mine, but so are all metals to some extent, and this has plenty.
It seems like it’s buying something 25% off on a $100 thing that won’t last well. Sure, you saved $25 once, but you’re buying 3 of them in the same time frame.
Doesn’t California have some insane battery too?
I’m sure it means something to someone. I’m just not that someone.
This was in the wrong spot.
Carpet for your only whole $99.
Technology, understanding of false confessing, and a general improvement in process since 1975. I think this is a success story. Sure, mistakes were made. Welcome to human history. However, people kept trying, kept learning, and kept listening. I’ve never heard of that type of action occurring anywhere else. (Admittedly, I don’t really follow law) I’m betting sudden forgiveness decades later isn’t common.
Do you have any extreme conditions that may affect your cluster?
If everything is standard, just go mid to low grade and raid it. If heat, radiation, reliability, or energy usage are funded concerns, then the answer changes.
I’m in awe of the direct links to anything. However, man, people assume the top result of DDG an impressive amount.
I mean, at the end of the day, I just want a hat, and at least a guestimate on its cost.
Looks like summer is still going and not finished at all.
What’s on the top of the picture? I can’t figure it out.
It would work for someone just starting and not knowing good tooling yet. However, the compiler should also tell you where to look and give you the area to look at as well. It’ll be less clear than an IDE, though.
I’m honestly curious about a source for your perspective on the first sentence. I’ve seen firsthand where the USAF negotiated on an international level for enlisted Airmen over a DUI. This particular case was in Japan and while the Airman had to serve his term as dictated by the Japanese courts, he was aloud to do so in a US Military facility, which was a significantly higher QOL for that Airman.
I couldn’t find an article while looking for a minute, but it’s been quite a few years. I also promise that skin tone was not a distinguishing factor.
At the end of the day, though, I would simply like information on your perspective, not to convince you to change.
I had to l look this up. Amazing…
Suck my hugely erect organ
It is the Joker, that’s still in character.
Of course not. The author clearly spells out that they’re not penetrating that market.
Yes, we get it, your dad has a good job.