This is the new tactic for the dictators, just call <insert literally anything> a nazi. The Ukrainians, the protestors, my dog, all nazi’s. Projection at its greatest.
This is the new tactic for the dictators, just call <insert literally anything> a nazi. The Ukrainians, the protestors, my dog, all nazi’s. Projection at its greatest.
Texas signed up first because it has “bullet” in the title.
Reflective of society?
Article is paywalled
I had the Ender 3 v2. Enjoyed it but never was able to get it dialed in and something would often go wrong. Taught me many things about 3d printing. There were many upgrades available, but ended up using that money to save for a Bambu Lab X1c.
Perhaps this will end well with people realizing there are better options and force them to reconsider
Agreed. Something’s not adding up.
Awesomeness. Please show us a video of the end result!!
Friend, you are the one who posted this link stating “Significant, Positive Announcement Alert”; you should be the one explaining why it’s significant. If you are not certain why you are posting something, then wait until you fully understand, otherwise you may get yourself in trouble. Perhaps you are a robot?
They couldn’t access the article as they were unable to access the mastodon link.
Texas, wow, never would have imagined that. And they got caught, surprised again.
Bed and nozzle settings plz
Magnesium oxide tablets
On another note, now I want some spaghetti
Amazing! Where do you find 3d files like this?
I mean I always address my letters to the North Pole and they always get there
Well said