is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
this was it for me, goodnight everybody
this ones my favorite. silly lil guy
my sister dated a cop from a cop family a couple years ago. she said even long after weed had long been legalized in our state he still had a lot of harmful assumptions he’d make about someone if they smoked weed, along the lines of them just stright up being bad and immoral people, comparing them to more serious and/or violent criminals and vaugly dehumanizing them along with everyone else he saw as a law-breaker.
ultimately as far as I heard he didnt let these judgments significantly impact his work though, never heard a word of him doing anything more corrupt than driving a bit wrecklessly when bored on patrol. I mean I’m sure they did have an impact, but I mean to say he didnt do anything cartoonishly evil about it as long as he and my sister stayed dating.
it’s concave
lmao this really got me.
ok but how did google translate go from Yacht to Yote??? what is a Yote???
okay thats great but can just one person please explain to me what a “Yote” is?? like they got that one tight Yote starts with Y but what is a Yote 😭
whatever length of time it takes for you to become rich white Christians.
ita not really about how long youve been here, and it hasn’t for a long time. maybe it never was
anytime! just remember as @[email protected] pointed out, these will be useless for tablet and mobile users, so you may still need an additional solution!
personally I love it when websites solve this problem with hover hints, theres something satisfying about seeing a paragraph of text on hover that just answers all my questions. not sure how that’d work for people viewing on mobile though
is this a quote from something or did you just come up with this right here on the spot? (this is great)
brother, we are truely fucked. you can remove the “if”
intro to programming! ive been told I’m pretty good at breaking things down in a way a beginner would understand and programming is something that can be so intimidating to outsiders, I’d want to help lower the bar to entry and enable people to become passionate in programming when they otherwise wouldn’t
not crazy, I’m 26 and have been daydreaming about quitting my “cushy” wfh tech job and going back to being a grocery store cashier for at least 2 years now. wfh is so isolating for me, and my adhd time management shortcomings spike my anxiety. I’m too tired to be interested in personal code projects, server hosting, or linux in my off time, and my office now has a background sense of dread rather than the safe gaming space it used to be.
I just want to show up, at the same time every day, be friendly to people and help them with small tasks, and then leave work at work after at the end of the day. a consistent schedule, friends, and not having tech forced on me 24/7 would do wonders for my mental health, not to mention boons to physical health needing to move around every day. I just can’t afford to go back to minimum wage right now
while were at it, let’s get rid of copyright and IP law altogether
I was on the metro recently and didnt feel like using my phone. tried to zone out into space but kept feeling like people were looking at me funny, noticing I wasn’t looking down at a phone. made me feel so u comfortable I took my phone out and forced myself to use it for the next 20 mins
where do you live where its more than a Buck a nugget? I can get a 20pc for $8.39 and thats before any discounts from having thier app
are there any controllers besides the old steam controller and maybe the Xbox elite controller that support steam input for extra buttons?
ive been looking for over a year for any affordable controller where I can just map play/pause media and prev/next track to the extra back buttons and ive found nothing