Yes, but the paper is clean, your hands are dirty. If the paper hangs over, you can grab the paper directly. If the paper hangs under you may have to touch the wall to be able to get at the paper.
Yes, but the paper is clean, your hands are dirty. If the paper hangs over, you can grab the paper directly. If the paper hangs under you may have to touch the wall to be able to get at the paper.
Over, to prevent the spread of bacteria by touching the wall. Under is acceptable if you have a cat, who will fuck with the roll.
Missed oppertunity to say bitch-wife, and not be rude.
Thats true, and as it is, its impossible to be completely rid of data harvesting services. I made the switch to proton to get out of googles mail, drive and photo solutions, the have a vpn included aswell. but yeah, I would never trust Google, Microsoft, meta or any of those to not collect data, no matter what they promise.
I prefer paying for services with my money insead of with my data, but I can see both sides.🤷
I wasnt expecting to get roasted today.
I had never heard of usenet, this is eye opening thank you! I have been thinking about reverting back to torrents, might have to try this out first though.
I don’t use apple, but I have had this with some other websites. All issues I had were solved by switching to the custom domain setup with SL.