This is really cool!
This is really cool!
This made me laugh. I’m in my early 40s and in the past six months I’ve been using the Merlin app to identify birds by their song. It’s really fun to see what’s going on around me in terms of birds. I had no interest before.
Last year my youngest was in kindergarten around the time of St. Patrick’s Day here in the U.S. At some point they went out to recess and came back in to find little chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil on their desks. I picked him up after school and as we were driving away I asked how school was. He told me that he thinks leprechauns might be real. I asked what made him think they might be and he gave me the “we left class and when we came back there was chocolate on our desks” answer. I asked him if something else could have happened, like a teacher leaving them, and he said no, because the door is locked when they leave. I told him “maybe it was a rainbow unicorn who left the chocolate.” His response was very dismissive. He said “no Dad, that’s impossible because rainbow unicorns don’t exist.” He’s a sharp kid but he’s not quite at the logic stage. :)
Number one, that’s some seriously good craftsmanship. I love this. It looks so cool and detailed. Number two, I have zero knowledge about the historical way these were done, so apologies for a very ignorant question. Did metal suits of armor have padding like this? It occurs to me that it makes total sense to have padding, but I don’t recall ever seeing “historical” preserved pieces with padding like this. Was that the norm? Either way, that’s the type of helmet I’d want. Looks beautiful.