MDK - Murder Death Kill (?). but the player/character wore all black
MDK - Murder Death Kill (?). but the player/character wore all black
100% sci fi magic, but the visuals he describes of cyberspace still are how i imagine it
i read it just a couple of years after it came out, it took me several reads to get into it but has become one of my favorites. That said, some of it, like the opening line, probably doesn’t make sense to younger people… “The sky above the Port was the color of a television tuned to a dead channel” evoked a completely different mental image in the days before digital TVs.
“in 50yrs, who will care?”
sounds like the name of the right wing ‘grindr’ app
what platform? they oficially havent had one since the 2020 election.
if you didnt know it was a coup, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit…
once. but it was so obviously a biased poll, in that they were asking very leading questions like “do you believe candidate X wants to destroy America and that candidate Y will protect the country?”… along those lines.
My sarcasm kicked in immediately and while it was 100% obvious what answer they wanted, I just gave them the exact opposite. The person calling was getting very frustrated and would even ask me follow ups like “really? you want candidate X to destroy the country?”.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
just like Daddy puts in his drink every morning… and then he gets mad
it was actually one that I remember playing when I was younger. The name always stuck in my brain because of the initials and what they stood for. Glad you found it