They’re giving it all they got too, I’m pretty sure
This doesn’t seem right but I don’t know enough about boys to dispute it
Lol when this started I was a fine candidate for forgiveness. Now my income has increased and they lowered the bar so I’m disqualified. Really glad I’m on this side but it will be 5 years before I can pay off what would have been forgiven. The ceiling is a joke anywhere that isn’t a rural environment.
How are you people running cuda kernels?
Just say the truth, whose the real “good boy”!
Lol I saw the comment that was removed. The comment couldn’t have been more neutral saying people who ignore the problems in the most Communist historical societies reduce the perceived integrity of it’s proponents.
This mod is the exact antithesis of this meme. Pure censorship.
Damn your closet is very organized, good job on it!
Sometimes I think the future is bleak and nothing good with happen again. Then star trek shows me that there is hope, for… Humanity or something, yeah.
It’s time for you to answer the big questions, Freddie. It’s time for you to look inward and answer, what do YOU want.
It was similar in scope to the meme about holding your poop in to impress a new suiter, if you remember that. A silly meme that had forum wide appeal. It gave the site an early Internet charm vibe to me that made me fall in love
I think it is, as it lacks bot detection, not quite as bad as Reddit, but you see people make arguments which sound good but don’t stay on topic.
A big factor is the lack of barriers. They already have the complex software from other platforms, the only new code is to alter the interaction scripts. The “make post” script for Facebook becomes the "make post " script for Lemmy. The problem domains are so similar I bet you can use the same numerical sociology (a good topic to look up to learn about how governments make these bots) models/code across the platforms. Though you may need a few extra features to accurately express our love of Linux, star trek, and beans.
That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about futons to dispute it
Got stuck in the airport for a day , missed work and my boss got mad.
Think that makes you a marquis. As my morals are simple linear transformations of the star trek catalogue, just don’t go blowing up planets and it should be fine.
WoRk LiFe BaLaNcE iS a CoMpAnY vAlUe
Can finally take my fish on a walk
I’m going to need you to prove the existence of this normies me-me
Leaving your phone behind is a real killer for them