Hopefully Andy Ogles, representative who said kill them all, and Biden are happy their policy of no ceasefire is getting their desired result.
Hopefully Andy Ogles, representative who said kill them all, and Biden are happy their policy of no ceasefire is getting their desired result.
Nothing says democracy like non-freedom of the press.
How people still defend the IDF as the good guys is beyond me.
Different religion but from the same area, Jain ascetics are the ones I am most familiar with that would fit more what you might have been wondering about.
There are multiple monastic traditions of shunning all material things, some of which include housing.
If we don’t talk about it, it never happened right??
This is I believe the third verified example of this I have seen, one were Israeli hostages. One time is a mistake, this is not. This is the same country that has a directive that will order the military to kill their own citizens.
The West Bank isn’t run by Hamas so why would it be a war zone? Also, throwing a rock, if it happened, means execution and not arrest?
Usually the US could just bully through for them. This time South Africa stood up. Erdogan has plenty of blood on his hands but also is a NATO country and stood up. The most interesting thing is how they felt so confident the US would squash anything, they said the quiet part out load and have made South Africa’s case very compelling.
That another medical facility bombed didn’t even make the headline is so telling. How is this not even a problem anymore?
On Christmas Day, it is time to reflect on what Christ would have wanted. I doubt bombing the descendants of his friends and family would be it.
How many journalists need to be assassinated before others notice a trend.
There are many Christian Palestinians. Where do you think the oldest churches in the world are.
Maybe not deliberately, but is bombing buildings not caring if kids are in them or not better?? Not journalists killing is what I would like to see them comment on.
So until the hostages are released, killing thousands of kids and civilians is ok??? Have a heart. Asking for war to stop shouldn’t be a hot take. Both sides should stop and release all their hostages, but that shouldn’t preclude stopping bombing churches, schools, mosques, hospitals, and homes.
Hamas in no way is the govt of the West Bank. If anyone has a bit of soul left, they will see this for what it is, the elimination of Christians and Muslims from their homelands by military might against international law and my President Biden supporting this. After all I thought we leaned post George Floyd, we just shifted who we find ok to discriminate against and the rabid hate that was quieted has come back multiple times as strong. It’s almost like there was a built up hate pressure that has exploded. Stop ethnic cleansing, is it to high a bar to ask of our leaders (on both sides as the Republican talking points are just as bad or worse).
This has all been plannned.
When will the world realize this isn’t about Hamas. Hamas doesn’t govern the West Bank. This is ethnic cleaning. Racial/religious hate. Some day we will be ashamed that we gleefully cheered for this. Killing Christians and Muslims because they worship idols is wrong.
Yeah, I bet it’s upsetting that there willl be less kids starving to death and your money has to support it. Just feel good knowing that the US will spend billions on bombs. I know it is less fun to bomb kids than watch them slowly starve, but it at least is something right?