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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m one of those people that’s switched skill sets and jobs multiple times. It’s great for me because I love learning new things and using the new things I’m learning as it applies to the current job I’m doing. But there is a disadvantage to this in that recruiters don’t know what the hell to do with you and bosses are always suspicious that you will jump ship at the drop of a hat. The ones who do take a chance and hire me have always been happy with my work though.

  • You know I’ve said “dude” all my life and I still use it all the time in regards to everyone. If I saw that someone was genuinely offended at being called dude I wouldn’t use it again with that person, but now that I really think about it I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term in a derogatory way. Like ever. For me it’s always been a happy/inclusive word for addressing friends. My only worry for now is that saying it shows my age.

  • Here we go again more stories about hospitals and CPS services using faulty and/or cheap means of testing to “comply” with regulations at the expense of patient. Why am I not at all surprised. I used to do this testing and when the process is done correctly it works. Here’s how it’s supposed to be done. First off you get a urine from Mom on admissions BEFORE giving any medication. Then you get the meconium and urine from baby after birth. You screen all three and confirm any positive screen with a more stringent confirmation test. Then you compare the three results to get a full picture of any drug usage that may be going on. Mom’s urine will tell you if she’s using within the last 3-5 days depending on the drug with the exception of THC which can stick around longer. Meconium gives you a window of drug use that might have occurred from the second trimester and on. It’s not great to test it on its own because it’s suspectable to faulty specimen collection. (I can’t tell you how many times I got a cup of baby shit instead of real meconium. Real meconium looks like plastic, has the consistency of a mallomar, and usually has a mucus plug attached.)Then you test the baby’s first urine output to determine if they have active drug in their system now. Use all three results together to interpret the big picture. At NO point do you ever give providers the screen results before confirmation. Hospitals and legal entities should be sued into oblivion for prosecuting innocent people over bad procedure and screening results. This shit irritates me to no end.