Which is more likely: that Google’s benchmarking system is wrong, or that quantum computing somehow takes place across hereto unprovable alternate realities?
I know which one I would pick.
Which is more likely: that Google’s benchmarking system is wrong, or that quantum computing somehow takes place across hereto unprovable alternate realities?
I know which one I would pick.
I think it’s safe to say she’s yours now. Glad to hear you’re looking after her.
Yeah, there are adults (in both my generation and the previous one) who have fewer critical thinking skills than today’s teens and young adults. This feels like a band-aid solution to avoid actually fixing the problems of (1) not teaching critical thinking and logic and (2) the toxic content, misinformation and disinformation on these platforms (I recognise the second one is much harder whilst trying to preserve security and privacy as well).
That is both hilarious and a brilliant solution.
What a wonderful outcome. So glad you got him back.
Yeah, she was definitely trying to teach you to hunt (some cats seem to consider their owners just gigantic incompetent cats). She’s probably saying something like “I even brought it right to you and you still couldn’t catch it?!”