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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • Kamala Harris’ healthcare plan is to expand Medicare to All Americans and the elimination of Private Health Insurance

    In 2020, when she dropped out of the primaries before any votes were cast due to abysmal polling, yes. In 2024, when she had an actual chance to become POTUS, no she did not. You know that her campaign website is still up, right? You can look this up yourself. Talk about “basic logic” lmao.

    Like I said, I voted for her. Let me ask, when can someone who votes blue criticize the party? Not during an election, oh no, that would drive votes to the GOP. Apparently not after an election either, judging by your behavior in this thread. So when, in your esteemed judgment, can one ever demand more than “being marginally better than the GOP?”

  • There’s that scolding again, only this time it’s far more desperate. It always seems to devolve to this with libs, just start threatening people when you can’t defend the Dems’ shit policies. Do you think that gets people to vote? Because it doesn’t, it just makes you sound like a sanctimonious jerk.

    I voted blue this election, in spite of the uninspiring and frankly lousy campaign they ran and the paucity of meaningful change they promised, and in spite of Biden’s disappointing administration, his facilitating a genocide, and his lack of any effort towards healthcare reform. I did that because the GOP is worse.

    United Health alone gave the Kamala campaign 700k, look it up. Kamala made it quite clear that her campaign did not support universal healthcare. Then just a little over a month after the election, we have a stark reminder that it’s wildly popular and that people on all sides of the aisle desperately want to see change. The Democrat party could have harnessed that energy, and likely won. But they didnt. Because they don’t want universal healthcare, and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can help us demand more from them.