radarr goes brrrrrr
radarr goes brrrrrr
Downvoted for what?
I recommend either an AppleTV to watch WEB-DL or a Nvidia Shield Pro for REMUX if you don’t have a Samsung TV; otherwise a Zidoo.
This. Superior in any way to authy.
DynDNS? I’m not 100% sure what CF Tunnel does, but from my 2 min reading it seems that DynDNS would accomplish what OP described just as well.
He’s actually 2 points more popular than when elected.
I just hope this does not affect WEB-DLs 🥲
The newest LG GX (4?) is actually removing ads from their UI, I think it is totally ad-free. It is expensive as fuck though, it makes sense to deliver a premium experience.
lol as if they couldn’t license it
Headline porn
It can be relatively easily done with a PC. There is a software I forgot the name, that lets you do many things, including side-loading and gps spoofing. Kinda defeats the purpose, because you can side load right there lol.
Block it from your router. Install updates with usb if needed. Get an AppleTV for the rest.
Unable to replace talent… for now ☝️
As I was gonna pay for shit in the first place lol.
If you use .iso files you will be missing out in quality and availability. If a better version of something you already burned is released, you will miss on that too.
If you use .mkv files, then why bother with discs in the first place? HDD in network and access everything, everywhere at any time.
If you start to scale to TBs, the price per GB of HDDs starts to drop dramatically. Look for refurbished HDDs in eBay.
The only real reason I can think of where physical beats digital is for playing the FEL DV layer on some UHD releases. But even then, there are ways to circumvent that.
If somebody could already install an alt store, please let me know. I think there isn’t any atm.
Why do you get so angry? I gave you a honest to earth answer, respectfully.
Paywall 🙁