This looks awesome, thanks for posting!
This looks awesome, thanks for posting!
This guy is definitely an experienced engineer. Nobody else dodges bullshit like this.
What an edifying thread, thank you both for knowing stuff about things
What an amazing cheat sheet then!
I’m about to print this out to add to my pile, thanks for taking the time.
I am new to Linux, is this the current “standard” file system?
There’s weight classes like boxing, so think of it like one 150lb fighter verse a team of one 100lb and a second 50lb fighter. Both still make weigh-in, just different strats.
You are a modern day Magellan, never change
Primus sucks
Lyrics from the song Guillotine by the band Death Grips. No further knowledge is needed to “get it”.
Shook you so much I think you accidently a word there lol
Yes, and no. This is an unanswerable question.
Negligence, ineptitude, and mistakes happen in every field and medicine, education, and parenting are no different.
There is pain in being diagnosed correctly just as much as there is incorrectly. The question we should be asking instead for both sides of the aisle is how do we best deliver knowledge, support, and care in the correct format to those who need it?
So for something like Jellyfin that you are sharing to multiple people you would suggest a VPS running a reverse proxy instead of using DDNS and port forwarding to expose your home IP?
What VPS would you recommend? I would prefer to self host, but if that is too large of a security concern I think there is a real argument for a VPS.
Still waiting for Defense Against the AI Dark Arts to drop