🎵 I’ll keep you my dirty little secret 🎶
Obviously the one submitting the papers should not pay to influence the reviewers. Instead, it is the publishers obligation, who uses the service of the reviewers, to pay them. Just pay them the same amount if you don’t want to influence any of them & make the amount open and transparent.
Just like heaven in my ass
#FF7700! I love this orange color and use it in all my tests.
What’s their difference to glass bottles? i.e. the ones Coca Cola uses?
I have no idea what they do but I create a lot of them. I like the icon
Problem is, you only have like, 3 free trials. After that you need a new account
“The German cockroach can’t even fly,” Qian Tang, lead author of the study and an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University,
I dunno about that
Feels like dired
and mc
, but way more stylized and cool.
Add a citation counter below it to keep track of how far you’ve come.
Citations: ||||| ||||/ ||||| ||||\ ||||| |||
I’m sorry, but she is just too cute.
The Chinese numbers are already in use ages ago and (as far as I know) predates the Ming dynasty. Fun fact, there are both “upper case” Chinese numbers (壹,貳,叁,⋯) and “lower case” numbers (一,二,三,⋯). The uppercase numbers are still used in official documents, esp. monetary ones such as checks to indicate the monetary value. For example: “壹拾贰万叁仟肆佰伍拾陆元整” means “¥123,456”. According to Wikipedia, this is done to prevent the numbers from being doctored, like changing 1 to 7.
It’s true that the lower case numbers aren’t used as much, but they are still used in text when the number is less than ten, e.g. “I have three children” -> “我有三个孩子” as opposed to “我有 3 个孩子”, for better paragraph consistency, typesetting and whatnot. However the Chinese numbers will become too long for anything greater than a hundred, so it’s all Arabic numbers after that.
Source: am Chinese
Unrelated but “consciousnesses” sounds kinda funny
Is this how the human language evolve?
God. So cute!!!
Take that, already meager science budget! They will definitely be used to make society better.