Sometimes you just hafta look at it
Sometimes you just hafta look at it
I’m guessing Istanbul? That town is retirement goals for me because of all the cats.
How do I get a grant to do this kind of research
Biggus Dickus
Get in mah belly, you piece of shit
The title was the best part
Heat affected zone on that sword is fucking ridiculous. Sure, you made it harder, but it’ll shatter more easily, too.
You may not like it, but this is what peak evolution looks like.
Thought about making shirts with that printed on the front during first year calculus.
Would be super easy to make a LaTeX document on Overleaf just for the Internet points
Where are Jncos in this cycle? I’d assume they were at the bottom. Was that just a particularly baggy cycle?
Ok so game plan: eat some limes, wait three days, take a shit, profit
But seriously, though, thank you for this story. It will be difficult not to think of this every time I bite my nails now.
Biting my nails
Isn’t that just capacitance?
Not to kinkshame, but why is that one chick watching monkeys kissing?
George Strait called it in 1986
I like Paul Erdős’s usage of “epsilon” to refer to children
Is this loss?