The wisdom of these gigprojects in the middle of a desert aside, it would be awesome more governments would stop trying to run themselves into the ground for profit. Because who the fuck is benefiting if a country is taking more in taxes then they are providing their citizens in services?
The wisdom of these gigprojects in the middle of a desert aside, it would be awesome more governments would stop trying to run themselves into the ground for profit. Because who the fuck is benefiting if a country is taking more in taxes then they are providing their citizens in services?
Which countries are running on a profit, exactly?
Well none, but the Neo-liberal rhetoric around “balancing the budget” that infests most of the governments of the west.
Loads of countries have budget surpluses.
Loads? These aren’t exactly major nations here and the bigger ones are oil producers.
I asked which ones. Denmark has a surplus, but that’s accidental and no one’s trying to keep it that way.
And if you’re about to give Qatar as an example, the point is moot.
This doesn’t answer the question.
KSA actually hands out money to citizens.'s_Account_Program_(Saudi_Arabia)