Hi, I switched my desktop to Linux full time many months ago and I’m never going back. My kids want gaming PCs for Minecraft, Roblox, fortnight, etc. Kid games for now.


I’ve been planning to show my kids how to build their own computers, and I think I can 2 for 1 this. My current PC is a prebuilt Ibuypower, and the last computer I assembled had an AGP slot. I know spinning metal is out generally. Other than picking an AMD graphics card what tips can you offer me?


I want to give them the opportunity to learn and fail, so I don’t think I would go with an immutable distro. Thoughts? Assuming a separate /home I think having to reinstall once in a while is a good lesson.

Firefox with full add blocking of course.

Is there an application for managing screen time, and while they’re still little I’d be interested in some kind of blocking/filtering.

Thanks folks!

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    3 months ago

    Idk if kids are a target group of Nobara Linux, but I heard that’s good for gaming.

    Rest sound good. Don’t forget to give them lots of productivity tools… OBS, Kdenlive, LMMS so they can practice shooting videos, create music… They’d need LibreOffice, maybe an IDE to learn coding, or something to create a website. As a kid I had a lot of fun tinkering with the Free Software tools, next to gaming.

    Test the website blocking, if you restrict for example porn. Nowadays the browsers all try to do some privacy enhanced DNS over HTTP and that might circumvent the default DNS. I’m not up to date with the current solutions to restrict usage… Maybe someone can chip in, I’m pretty sure that’s available.