stackabrix is a simple terminal game, written in Bash, where the user, against the clock and with the least moves possible, must sort the blocks according to their color, and stack them in the respective stack.

During the game, the user can move left and right, pick blocks and drop them in other stacks.

The aim is to sort the blocks, and stack them in the respectively named stacks, fast as possible, and with the least moves possible.

The play’s score is the sum of the time achieved in seconds and of the moves made.

If the score is among the 10 best scores achived, it makes it in the Top Ten Highscores.


Any feedback is welcome.

    3 months ago

    I do agree in the end it’s arbitrary, and you’re right there are 2 extremes in strategy, purely analytical and purely reflexive, plus everything in between.

    Admittedly without having played this game specifically using both strategies this is purely speculation. But from my experience playing similar games, exactly to your point of the two strategies, if time and moves are weighed equally, I feel like a player using the analytics strategy would end up with a much higher score than a reflex based player at the “same” skill level (however “skill” levels would be pretty hard to quantify and compare by the two strategies).

    Hope that makes sense :)

    • christos@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      It does. And naturally, the more one practices, they become better at it.

      And there is the element of chance: if the randomly generated grid is helpful (e.g. half solved), the easier and quicker it is solved.