Imagine going through the effort of creating the image but not spellchecking lettuce.
Lettice is a person
In this case, lettice is a persons name, not the vegetable spelt similarly.
No shitpost has ever been more shitpost than this shitpost
Why not just HOMES?
It’s also possible that I’m not clever enough to have arrived at this very practical solution
How about, (counterclockwise)
Small Hairy Orangutan Eyed Me?
H = M
All that I can see when I look at those great lakes stickers people put on their cars is a dog pooping.
Thanks! I’m writing this down!
What a creative response. Have my upvote
Which one should I go skinny dipping in?
Ontario at the sandbanks this way we can see your bum bum out of the water for 200 meters
All of them
Great way to remember the Great Lakes, don’t just reference them on the map.
You’re not going to be carrying a map with you in your pocket every day.
Tell that to my google maps
Right, I was joking based on the “you won’t carry a calculator with you” cliche.
Being from Chicago, I’ll tell you the one we use, in order of relevancy instead of the OC.
Lake Michigan The One Above Minnesota The One to the Right The One Past That Eh Who Cares