Even years later, this episode is still a trip.
Like, the first time I saw this episode, I was absolutely giving her the benefit of the doubt until 1/4 into it.
Even years later, this episode is still a trip.
Like, the first time I saw this episode, I was absolutely giving her the benefit of the doubt until 1/4 into it.
I’ve never really watched either beyond a few here and there. Is the UK version on BBC without commercials? Just curious if the breakneck American editing is due to having to shave off 20 minutes to fit in all the ad breaks.
No, it is because there has been an escalating trend in the US of invoking emotional responses by making every single thing in ‘reality’ shows overly dramatic. US reality show audiences really love conflict and most of these shows repeat clips multiple times to pad out the show, not because they are pushing a time limit.
I hate the person who told tv execs to copy the last scene before an ad break and then paste it right after the ad break with a burning passion. It’s such a colossal waste of story time.