Of course she does. All American politicians are Israeli puppets. It’s always been strange to me that this is the case. However, I’ve also never seen an example that goes against the grain. Even Sanders is all about decreasing weapons sent, not stopping.
Calling American politicians Israeli puppets is firstly way too oversimplified and secondly leaves you open to being labelled antisemitic. There are even more gentiles in the Zionist project than Israelis & other Zionist Jews. Two of the largest, most powerful such groups are the Christian nationalists and the military-industrial complex.
Of course she does. All American politicians are Israeli puppets. It’s always been strange to me that this is the case. However, I’ve also never seen an example that goes against the grain. Even Sanders is all about decreasing weapons sent, not stopping.
They’re National Security puppets, and NatSec needs Israel.
Calling American politicians Israeli puppets is firstly way too oversimplified and secondly leaves you open to being labelled antisemitic. There are even more gentiles in the Zionist project than Israelis & other Zionist Jews. Two of the largest, most powerful such groups are the Christian nationalists and the military-industrial complex.
this is the master protecting its attack dog. nothing more.