Dawson City in Canada is facing a crisis as the new mayor and councillors won’t take the required oath of allegiance to King Charles.
They refused in support of an Indigenous councillor who opposes the oath due to the Crown’s history with Indigenous people.
Without the oath, their election could be canceled, and they can’t make official decisions.
The council has asked for a different oath, but Yukon law requires the pledge. Authorities are now looking into the situation.
Imagine swearing fealty to a monarch in 2024.
I’m jelly of Americans, who will never have to deal with that bullshit. Nope, not at all!
Hey now, pledging allegiance to an inanimate object makes way more sense.
Not just an inanimate object - an idea that that object is meant to represent! We’re about one level of abstraction away from the pledge of allegiance becoming a meaningless mantra of words with no meaning or relation to one another strung together to make a pretty song that is always sung off-key by grade school children.
I mean bag on the pledge of allegiance all you like, but using the flag as a synecdoche of the nation as a whole doesn’t seem like it is as great a leap of logic as you are making it out to be.
…By a country that largely claims to follow a belief system wherein it is explicitly and plainly laid out: “Don’t swear oaths (Matthew 5:34). Don’t make idols / worship images or objects.” (The second commandment)
Anerican patriotism is a cult lifestyle brand.
Metaphysics is weird and not at all fun.
That may not be the best example.
Imagine doing it to god, at least the monarch exists
Visit the monarchy: Expensive, once-in-a-lifetime experience
Visit God: Literally dead.
Well…. If anything happens, you can always say that « God told you to do it » and you have a federally approved oath to prove you must obey