An Idaho doctor testified that confusion over the state’s strict abortion bans left a miscarrying patient “passed around like a hot potato” as doctors avoided treating her out of fear of legal consequences.
The 14-week pregnant woman, suffering heavy bleeding and anemia, was denied care during three ER visits before being admitted against hospital rules, miscarrying, and requiring a blood transfusion.
The testimony is part of a lawsuit challenging Idaho’s abortion laws, which ban most abortions with few exceptions, leaving patients in dangerous situations without timely care.
At this point these abortion bans should be called Matricide Approvals
Genuinely, they should be called Matricide Laws. Tank it the same way Republicans keep trying to tank “Obamacare”
They’re the ones who came up with the name Obamacare, so that it would tank on name alone.
Yes, exactly. Which is why people should start going to town hall meetings, Senate hearings, etc. and asking various questions about “Matricide Laws.” When they get corrected that these are abortion bans, explain that the law is killing hopeful mothers and these lawmakers are okay with it—if matricide wasn’t the point, it certainly appears to be a welcome side-effect.
Remember when Republicans hated the idea of death panels?
Every accusation is a confession.
Edit: Ah should have read down before replying, but fuck it, it bears repeating.
These aren’t death panels, they are death funnels.
Hollywood should start making movie after movie where the protagonist loses a loved one to some fucking asinine Republican laws, and then just goes on a vengeance spree.
Build a whole new MCU-style universe just around the backwards-ass shitstain policies coming out of these freeloader states, and a whole cast of kid-diddling fuckwads who are taken out by the wrath of righteous anger. People would watch that shit.
Is this the second plot that Hallmark has discovered?
Hero drops a card on the bodies of his fallen enemies
“Have a Hallmark moment, assholes”
That would be awesome.
Get Bruce Willis to do it.
A 90s Bruce, definitely. Today’s, not so much…
Perhaps Jason Statham? Bruce Campbell?
I mean, they’ve already co-opted the Punisher - an anti-cop vigilante - into their iconography, despite being the party of the “thin blue line” and “the party of law and order.” Anything we could hope to create to satirize them would just arouse them without a sense of irony or self awareness.
The boys would disagree. You just make it more and more obvious who the bad guys are, the longer it goes.
“God Bless America” is almost that
Hot potato is the Republican form of health care.
deleted by creator
Anyone else remember Death Panels?
I don’t think insurance claim review boards went away.
They have concepts of a plan though.
It’s going to get worse. What I have not seen is how we help. What actions can we take today, tomorrow, and next week will help those impacted by this step backward? I get being mad. I get being informed. But elections put us in a precarious place and real people need help tomorrow…now. Every one of these articles should include a call to action and I have a 9 to 5 trying to keep mine above water so just tell me. We need to solve problems.
Well no worries, once Trump is in office these women won’t have any healthcare available to them.
“I was working with some amazing nurses and we decided as a team that we were going to break our hospital’s rules and admit her, even though she wasn’t 20 weeks pregnant because I just couldn’t send her home again and hope for the best,” Lyons said.
More like this please. Fuck your hospital’s rules, make something up if you need to, this is someone’s life. Bureaucracy isn’t really very good at checking itself and a lot of rules get broken “by mistake”. If the rules are bad, don’t follow them. If anyone actually gets on your case, “I’m sorry, I guess I misremembered the policy and was worried about protecting the hospital from liability”.
Employees on the front lines have a lot more power to grind dumb rules to dust than they think.
Isn’t this a more Kafka version of death panels that we were promised under Obamacare.
There is no death panel however you have been deemed to die by the death panel. Good luck navigating the bureaucracy.
They should just exclude pregnancy, births and anything associated with it from health care.
That’s their plan
Women should be screaming in agony and bleeding out in their beds at home, as god intended. Pain and death in childbirth is the price of Eve’s sin, and only the pure and righteous earn an easy pregnancy.
I am not kidding, I’ve heard this from evangelical extremists (who have now been voted into power).
and the big argument that a lot of first world countries debate is the lowering birth rates … why in the hell would anyone want to have children in this environment?
These people don’t ask women for permission.