Bark bark bark
Almost 25 years of that attitude from the US is how this war started in the first place[1], and now hundreds of thousands are dead or injured and millions are displaced.
You will find that the actual cause for the dead, injured, and displaced, is that Russia invaded Ukraine.
The simplest fix would be for the Russians to go home.
The more permanent fix would be for the Russians to go home, and have Vladimir Putin accidentally fall out of a window very high up. That would be reasonable, given how many men he basically threw into a meat grinder.
Every recrimination has an equal and opposite recrimination. In the end, we are where we are and every country chooses how to play their own hand by themselves.
Russian leadership knew what they were doing when they attacked a foreign sovereign country in an act overt aggression.
I’m sure there are plenty of rationalizations they tell themselves, but it’s not the US that “started this” in any meaningful way.
The war started because of Russia. It’s insane to state otherwise.
“Spokesperson, issue more empty threats! Surely this time they will finally take me seriously!”
You’d think the West would have taken it seriously after Crimea was annexed. But even after losing most of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, there are still imperial core labor aristocrat clowns like you, still failing to read the room.
What’s the room saying, comrade?
The room in which Russia is an unjust invading imperialist force. You agree, right?
Completely unrelated question: how hard does one have to rattle a sabre before it snaps the blade?
So I commented this before, Russia spends the same amount on its nuclear arsenal as the UK, while claiming a far larger arsenal. Even accounting for differences in currency value (so cheaper labour) and assuming Russia has some magical efficiency gains in maintenance its still not enough to even come close to maintaining an arsenal that size. Nukes need the fissile material swapped out every couple of decades or they’re just really expensive dirty bombs.
This puts Russia in the position where if they launch a single nuke as a warning there’s a genuine chance that it might just fizzle, if that happens it would be crippling to their apperance as a nuclear armed state on the world stage, the embarassment of crossing the ultimate red line with nothing to show for it.
So i guess the answer is the sabre is pretty rusty and it might not snap when rattled but there is a chance it snaps when Putin goes in for a real stab.
Nothing ever happens.
Biden using his last few months to start ww3
If Russia starts nuking shit, wouldn’t Russia be starting ww3?
Or are we supposed to just accept the implication that only western countries have agency?
The favorite weapon of the westoid, acting like the biggest imbecile in the world and claiming history starts not when they choke you, but when you break their wrist so you can breathe.
Let’s take this metaphor at face value for a second.
What in the endless litany of grievances you call history could possibly justify pressing the launch button at this particular junction in time?
I’m serious, make the best possible case you can for Russia starting a nuclear war right now.
That the US is letting Ukraine use NATO missiles and guidance systems that could carry a nuclear warhead they’ve ALWAYS kept a doctrine of first use for. This new doctrine is still not as aggressive as the American one, and this was the entire reason for the conflict, NATO not pointing nuclear weapons at Russia minutes from Moscow. This latest attack was aiming for nuclear infrastructure. How much more provocative does it get?
Americans really need to shut the fuck up about Russia starting a nuclear war when they’re the ones instigating and funding conflict and blocking the peace talks Ukrainians want. When Iran gets tired of Israel and the US endlessly massacring civilians over there you chicken hawk libs are gonna pretend they developed nuclear weapons just to be mean.
You really really care about the Ukraine war? Get shipped there so they don’t have to kidnap citizens out of weddings to put them on the front line. Otherwise, shut up and stop trying to kill the rest of us with you.
deleted by creator
So many incredibly stupid takes in comments. This is not a game. This is not a fucking Netflix special. The escalation ladder is so easy to go up, but so hard to climb down. This is a terrifying development.
This should be delivered to Putin, How exactly should the world deal with a fanatic armed with nukes?
You misspelled America
I won’t bother listing the countries the US has bombed invaded or overthrown governments in the last oh I dunno 100 years
Putin started this war tho. Didn’t he?
Honestly I just find it laughable. 1, because there are more nuclear red lines behinds us than I care to count. And 2, if the last Russian missile test is anything to go by, I’m more worried about a giant chain reaction blowing up all of Russia.
Welp there goes my fucking sleep for tonight. I wish Washington and Langley alone would somehow disappear off the face of the earth and solve half the problems in the world overnight.
Why the fuck does the rest of the world have to risk a nuclear extinction (and a climate one, honestly) just because the US are too fucking stupid and greedy to let go of a single cent in the world.
This instance is hilarious.
Russia makes threats with nukes, because a country they attacked dares to defend itself Why would the US do this?
The notion that Russia doesn’t need to invade or make nuclear threats is completely unthinkable around these parts.
If you just analyze the 1000 most recent posts on the local worldnews, it’s pretty openly a propaganda channel.
Fuck off, Americans might not have a working memory longer than the last headline, but I remember the US proudly supporting the maidan coup with congresspeople on the ground, and I remember the US sending billions in weapons, blocking peace talks that a majority of Ukrainians want (because it wOulD bE a cOnCesSiOn) and Biden authorizing the use of NATO weaponry and guidance systems, any of which could reasonably carry a nuclear warhead. Let’s not foeget the US is the only country to ever use them on people.
I’ve been told for a year that the traditional military operation Russia willingly engaged in was a colossal failure and Russia was bound to fall down at the slightest wind, on other threads you stupid gringos are going"lol he won’t do it let’s keep poking" and then you come on other threads to pretend history starts at the reply and not the provocation.
The rest of the world no longer buys the concern trolling from clueless (or outright malicious) gringos.
The US has done what it’s done for over a century, sabotage, start proxy wars and undermine democracy and when a country replies dumbass fucking libs will start crying about how that country is just being super aggressive for, like, just no reason 😢.
Why do you give Russia a free pass here? They are the ones threatening to use nuclear weapons. But somehow Washington is the bad guys. What a fucked up take.
I wish they invented a nuclear weapon that only worked on the dumb mfs who think playing chicken with nuclear weapons is so cool.
I highly doubt Russia has any functioning nukes anyway. Even if they did, there’s no way they’d use them. You keep your fearmongering elsewhere
The country with the highest stockpile of nuclear weapons, with battle tested capabilities and the most advanced ICBMs in existence, you doubt they have nukes?
There’s drinking the Kool aid and there’s this. I’m legitimately amazed that some of you Americans can mouthbreathe and walk at the same time, and more amazed that half the voting population is even dumber than that.
If this stupid provocation only ended up with America in ashes you’d more than have it coming, but unfortunately we share a world and I’d like to keep living in it, not that y’all made it any better due to your absolute nonchalance about climate change.
Hey I have a question, what does Putin’s ass taste like?
Russia: if NOTICE ME SENPAI was a country.
I’m pretty sure they don’t care about being noticed, and would rather the US and the West fuck off entirely from affairs that don’t involve them.
Every affair involves the US 🇺🇸 Isn’t there somebody you forgot to ask?