I mean, at that point you might as well wear normal jeans.
Yeah I don’t understand shabby fashion at all. I mean if I’m wearing clothing that’s full of holes it’s because I’m too cheap and lazy to buy new clothes.
I ride electric boards. My pants are full of holes, not because I’m cheap or lazy, but because my pants don’t last long 😅
That’s legit though. I’m talking about the people who buy jeans that are pre-worn, with big holes and cuts in them from the store!
Holy moly that would save so much time. I already kind of cheat and mostly do my thighs now that it is winter, since I don’t really feel my shin hair normally.
That’s funny; my thigh hair is so thin I don’t even bother, even in the summer. Meanwhile my calf hair is darker and more obvious so that’s what I shave.
Is arm hair not really a thing for her?
A lot of people’s arm hair is much finer, and lighter in color, than their other body hair. There are a lot of people out there that can get away without shaving arms, and maintain that hairless look, and you wouldn’t really notice unless you touched them.
Gotta keep the peach fuzz!
My arm hair is like a fish.
Dark on top, pale underneath, and while not as dense as my leg hair it is still very apparent.
I will admit to not noticing it as often in others, but I also don’t have a visual memory.
Fish have hair? Or your arms have scales? Or wait, you meant your arms are like Alligators!
very believeable