A second oarfish, a rarely seen deep-sea species often linked to natural disaster myths, washed up in California this year.
The 9-10ft specimen was found on an Encinitas beach by a Scripps Institution of Oceanography PhD student.
Oarfish, typically living in the mesopelagic zone, have been spotted more frequently, possibly due to changing ocean conditions like El Niño.
Researchers are studying this and a 12ft oarfish found in August, with efforts including organ analysis and genome mapping to better understand these mysterious creatures.
Oarfish strandings in California remain rare, with only 20 documented since 1901.
The fish isn’t wrong
Poor thing didn’t have to die to tell us, we already elected Trump, we’ve been knowing
It’s a good thing I’m an atheist and a skeptic or this would have me really worried.
Instead, I only have to worried about all the rational, non-supernatural harbingers of doom.
Time to roll out that tired trope: “I ain’t gonna lie, you had me in the first half.”
Double oarfisssshhhhh!
What can it meeeaaaannnnn???!?!?
“nothing to see here folks, just the mythical harbinger of doom, yes yes, move along.”