There are over 100 sick prisoners here with me, all of them from Gaza. Some have chronic diseases, some have been injured under torture, and all of them scream from the pain, as there is no treatment.

One day after your visit, a group of soldiers came with dogs, they came to where we were. They selected prisoners at random from every age group … children, young men, old men. They made them lie on the ground, face down, their hands tied behind their heads.

Then they set the dogs on them again, and then one of the soldiers tried to get one of the dogs to rape one of the prisoners! They teach their dogs to have sex with prisoners! Can you imagine?

They made the dogs attack them, tearing at the skin and flesh of the prisoners […], then they stood them up and put them in a corner where there was a big “iron window”. They put [the prisoners’] hands on the window, then began beating them on their backs, their buttocks, and their legs from behind.

They attacked another prisoner called “J.M.” in the same way - they beat him and abused him, and brought in dogs to rape him. They stripped him naked and put the dogs on top of him, they were ripping at his flesh, then a soldier came carrying an “electrical baton”, which emitted high-voltage electric shocks, and they started beating the prisoner on his genitals.

    4 months ago

    Does not surprise, their are interviews from the older IDF soldiers who fought during the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s and they talked about scenes that would make an NKVD or SS soldier proud. Simply disgusting and the old coots were smiling and laughing about it.