Straight out of the Bajoran medical collection.
Clearly a Chinese knock off I can tell by the stitching
Yeah. He’s just wearing some kind of standard Bajoran civilian uniform, right?
(And the military Bajoran uniform is red)
Odo’s uniform is specific to security - his deputies wear the same colour scheme.
Fun fact, Odo’s deputies wear the exact same uniform as Odo meaning it’s literally made of Odo.
Since the Occupation, Bajor has a primarily Odo-based economy.
I think it’d look better with a belt.
Aren’t Odo’s clothes just…Odo? Like he’s not actually wearing anything. He just changes shape to make it appear like that.
Odo don’t need a closet, just a bucket.
I’m getting stupid sexy Flanders vibes here:
Yes. He’s like plastic-man, in that he’s stark naked, and only looks like he’s wearing clothes.
I seem to remember an episode where he turns into a raven on the concourse and leaves a pile of clothes behind.
I believe that scene happens just after he gets his shape-shifting powers back; for a while before that, he had to wear regular clothes because he had been made more or less human as punishment by the Founders.