My mom was one of those women who voted for Trump. And you know what? She’s a moron. She literally doesn’t pay any attention to politics and just votes for whoever my dad votes for. My dad votes for whoever is running republican. Ugh.
The thing is, my mom had a septic miscarriage between me and older sibling. She had a dnc to remove to the rotting fetus because she was going to die. One of the last conversations we had I tried to explain to her that she’d be dead today if the laws in red states were in place back then. She ignored me. Literally just stopped talking and ended the conversation.
My mom is so stupid she’s a fucking hazard.
I’m estranged from my family, have been for years. But I’d like to guess a good chunk of the women who voted for trump are like my mom. Braindead. The other chunk actively like trump and are openly nazis. The brain dead ones are too stupid to notice they’re wearing nazi uniforms.
But I guess that’s an accurate description of people who voted for trump in general. Stupidity doesn’t care what gender you are, it still makes you dumb as fuck.
I literally don’t understand how my mom gets through day-to-day life. It’s just a matter of time before her bank accounts are drained by a scammer because no matter how many times I try to explain it to her, she believes everything she sees online as long as it reinforces something she already believes. If it challenges her beliefs she ignores it.
She got an email that said she owed money to an internet service provider she doesn’t use, and hasn’t ever used. Obvious scam, right? She knows she doesn’t use them, but the email seemed “Truthy” so she was really worried that she owed them money. There’s no way to convince her that it’s a scam because even facts like “that’s not your ISP, you don’t and have never used that ISP” can’t penetrate.
She trusts memes more than family members who have degrees in something and are willing to patiently explain it to her. She spends a lot of money buying snake oil, or overpaying for things she can get essentially for free (i.e. buying bottled water because she’s afraid of fluorine in municipal water). This has made me realize what a huge amount of the world’s economy isn’t people buying things they need, or even things they want because it makes their lives better, it’s people buying things they don’t need because they’re afraid of something that isn’t real.
Anyhow, yeah, Trump won the idiot vote, and he’s going to make changes to the US that will increase the number of idiots. Things are going great.
I’m sorry you also have a mom like that. But, props to us for surviving being raised by incompetent people!
And I really agree on Trump winning the stupid vote. This wasn’t so much an election of genders as it was an election of anti-intellectualism vs the educated. Only uneducated, willfully stupid people vote for a literal rapist.
My mom was one of those women who voted for Trump. And you know what? She’s a moron. She literally doesn’t pay any attention to politics and just votes for whoever my dad votes for. My dad votes for whoever is running republican. Ugh.
The thing is, my mom had a septic miscarriage between me and older sibling. She had a dnc to remove to the rotting fetus because she was going to die. One of the last conversations we had I tried to explain to her that she’d be dead today if the laws in red states were in place back then. She ignored me. Literally just stopped talking and ended the conversation.
My mom is so stupid she’s a fucking hazard.
I’m estranged from my family, have been for years. But I’d like to guess a good chunk of the women who voted for trump are like my mom. Braindead. The other chunk actively like trump and are openly nazis. The brain dead ones are too stupid to notice they’re wearing nazi uniforms.
But I guess that’s an accurate description of people who voted for trump in general. Stupidity doesn’t care what gender you are, it still makes you dumb as fuck.
If there’s a club for that, I’m in it too.
I literally don’t understand how my mom gets through day-to-day life. It’s just a matter of time before her bank accounts are drained by a scammer because no matter how many times I try to explain it to her, she believes everything she sees online as long as it reinforces something she already believes. If it challenges her beliefs she ignores it.
She got an email that said she owed money to an internet service provider she doesn’t use, and hasn’t ever used. Obvious scam, right? She knows she doesn’t use them, but the email seemed “Truthy” so she was really worried that she owed them money. There’s no way to convince her that it’s a scam because even facts like “that’s not your ISP, you don’t and have never used that ISP” can’t penetrate.
She trusts memes more than family members who have degrees in something and are willing to patiently explain it to her. She spends a lot of money buying snake oil, or overpaying for things she can get essentially for free (i.e. buying bottled water because she’s afraid of fluorine in municipal water). This has made me realize what a huge amount of the world’s economy isn’t people buying things they need, or even things they want because it makes their lives better, it’s people buying things they don’t need because they’re afraid of something that isn’t real.
Anyhow, yeah, Trump won the idiot vote, and he’s going to make changes to the US that will increase the number of idiots. Things are going great.
I’m sorry you also have a mom like that. But, props to us for surviving being raised by incompetent people!
And I really agree on Trump winning the stupid vote. This wasn’t so much an election of genders as it was an election of anti-intellectualism vs the educated. Only uneducated, willfully stupid people vote for a literal rapist.