I don’t need naked women to pop a boner, I only need you bro.
Bro I love you bro
Bro you’re the wind beneath my wings.
Bro you’re the ground beneath my feet. You lift me up bro
You’re amazing dawg. I fucking love you dude.
Bro, do you believe in life after love?
Naked women can pop a boner if they want. I don’t mind.
Oh yeah. Absolutely. Boners for everyone. Or boners for no one. That can be just as good, if you don’t like boners. Yes?
as a bisexual, either, both or none works for me.
Bro 1: Did you get a boner? 🤠
Bro 2: Fuck yeah, dude! I was so hard 💪, I was about to cum in my pants 👖👈.
Bro 1: That’s awesome! 🤜🤛
Bro 1: I am interested in your level of sexual arousal at the bar. Will you please share that information with me?
Bro 2: I am excited to tell you that I was so aroused that my penis was fully erect, I almost felt the immense pleasure of orgasm and soiled my clothes with ejaculate.
Bro 1: Your enthusiastic sexual arousal report makes me happy. Let’s touch hands.
If you had written for the Strange Planet TV Series, it may have been much better.
That already came out? I remember from the first trailer I couldn’t imagine how that would work for even one half hour episode let alone an entire series.
Can confirm. I touched hands and it made me happy.
Afterward we can give each other brojobs. Don’t worry it’s not gay if you’re thinking about the strippers
No homo though, bro
you are homo sapien
Noooooooooo broooo
Choo Choo…
Years ago I went out drinking with a friend of mine and some other people that I knew less well. Me and my friend and one other guy ended up at my apartment smoking a joint, and I went off to bed but told those two they could hang out in my living room and watch TV until they sobered up. I woke up about an hour later and went out to the living room to see how they were doing. They had put one of my porn videos in the player and were watching it in separate chairs and masturbating.
I don’t get some people, but they obviously both thought there was nothing wrong with this. They both said “what’s up” without taking their eyes off the screen and I just went back to bed.
I kind of feel like they had figured some shit out about life. Like they know what life means.
huh, back when I was young, and people would still, occasionally, pester me into going to strip joints with them, we mostly just binge drank, did drugs, and occasionally got some dancers to facilitate more private services.
The people who seemed like they were actually, really, paying attention to the dancers were, well, even more creepy than your average strip club attendee.
Fire boners
This boner’s on fiiiiire
So bright it can burn your eyes
You get them in the champagne room 😉
I had a friend in HS that would just bring out his collection of VHS porn and pop one in when we visited his house. I didn’t visit much.
I bet he thought it made him seem cool and mature or something
Yeah bro, lets take her home with us! Bro, I’ll get the front and you get the back! Hey bro, let’s both get the back! I got your back bro!
That’s why I always go alone…
Tuesday afternoon, plastic bottle of vodka, a bag of meth and a strip club. What could be a better mental health day?
im told real pros go wearing sweat pants instead of jeans or slacks for maximum pleasure transfer.