Nothing since a radio telescope isn’t a fucking speaker.
I’m actually surprised you got so many up votes for that level of technical correctness. This is a tough room
the THX intro sound
Pathetic, everyone knows that the BF3 intro will shake any rust off any car near by.
Nah, I can hear a shit ton more bass in the BF3 intro
That was dope was the game any good? I only played 2 but I loved it as a kid.
It was fantastic with a lot of comradery and clans. I wore out 3 Microsoft Sidewinder Joysticks playing it.
Darude - sandstorm
What song is that?
Dududududu Dududududu dududu
At first it goes like synth and then it is dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dududuuddududuuud shiuush dududududududuuuuddudddududududddududdudududduududududu
That’s true, but you shouldn’t forget that there is a large part of it that goes dudududuuuu dudududududuuuuu dudududududuuu dudududududuuuu
Darude - Sandstorm
Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic
Darude, Sandstorm
You guys remember this?
The brown note.
I shid
Everyone shad
Thou hath shod
Thus the great shaddening began.
Either Never Gonna Give You Up or Darude - Sandstorm
-The internet (10-15 years ago)
Baby Shark
Each “Doo” could level a forest
Video killed the radio star
A (wo?)man of culture
Cotton eye joe
Ram Ranch.
Never gonna give you up
Ready to die by Andrew W.K. The song ending with “You just heard earth music. This was a warning.”