The five Australian women, whose names are suppressed by a court gag order, say they were taken off the flight to Sydney at Doha at gunpoint by guards and were searched without consent.
What the actual fuck
But they said they were cool for tourists, they even were chosen for world coup.
Fuck FIFA. I boycotted all of that event. I know it made zero difference since plenty of other people didn’t give a shit, but what can you do…
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So basically they found an abandoned newborn baby in an airport trashcan, and decided they needed to check the vaginal areas of all the women, to see which woman had recently given birth?!? Have they never heard of stretch marks? What the actual fuck.
Uh so just an fyi, stretch marks alone aren’t an indicator of pregnancy. There are plenty of women out there that either don’t have stretch marks and have been pregnant, or do have stretch marks and have never been pregnant. I say this as someone who is pregnant with their 3rd child and doesn’t have stretch marks.
I’m saying this as a man who’s had zero children and has stretch marks.
You should consider pregnancy. As a man, it’s brought me nothing but joy to carry a new life into this world in my body.
Damn I see you everywhere.
But only a few weeks ago one of their arguments was that the airline shouldn’t be punished for the actions of the state.
Now they are happy to provide assurances on the state’s behalf?
What the fuck
in 2020 in which female passengers were subjected to invasive gynecological examinations.
authorities were looking for the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned in a Hamad International Airport trash can
they were taken off the flight to Sydney at Doha at gunpoint by guards and were searched without consent.
Did I wake up 2,000 years ago or something? Am I still on earth?
Qatar was “surprised and shocked” that Australia had rejected without explanation its application for additional services to Sydney
Woooow. I literally don’t know what to say.
Or maybe there’s a general lack of good sense and decency that could lead to different, but equally hideous, lapses of judgement.
They treat all women like that, regardless of nationality. They are used to absolute power and it never crossed their minds that other countries won’t like what they did. After all, they think “it’s only women”.
Was there ever a lawsuit for this?