We decided to test whether the car can handle long ranges by going to Austria next week. It’s a large country with numerous places, so I want to ask your help. Have you ever been to there?
EDIT: Thanks the suggestions for everyone, they were really useful!
I think cars can handle long ranges for close to a hundred years now. There’s no need to test this.
Salzburg, Mariazell (specifically hiking through Ötschergräben), and anywhere in the Austrian Alps are all excellent.
I’ve only been to Salzburg for a day, but it was really nice. Lots of history, most notably Mozart’s birthplace.
Drink wine! unbeknownst to many, Austrian wine is quite good!
Go to the opera. World class building and performances. The whole inner ring of the city has fabulous buildings and should be on anyone’s to-see list. This is in Wien