Depends. When I was in art school, I regularly worked for 36 hours straight, and at least once for 72 hours straight. But it’s studio work, where you’re actually making a <<thing>>; it never would have worked to have been trying to read Marx/Engels or Hegel and expect to have any kind of comprehension.
Any work or study done during an all-nighter is a waste.
If you meet someone and all they do is talk about themselves, they won’t be a good friend.
Nobody really cares how you look or what you wear. And anyone who does has bigger issues they would rather not deal with.
Depends. I did some of my best work at this time (private project. not for my actual workplace).
I sense ADHD (source: am ADHD)
Maybe ;)
Depends. When I was in art school, I regularly worked for 36 hours straight, and at least once for 72 hours straight. But it’s studio work, where you’re actually making a <<thing>>; it never would have worked to have been trying to read Marx/Engels or Hegel and expect to have any kind of comprehension.
Yeah engineering work on an all nighter is worse than not, but you gotta do what you gotta do and it’s physically there then.
Though writing for a classics class is the other area I’ve found all nighters to be acceptable. Though that was as a 19 year old on methylphenidate.