There are no checks whatsoever, no email or phone number required, no verification options—it just hands you an account for a 99-year-old, with full access to all chat features. (It took maybe five clicks from having no account to being able to play Blood & Gore.)
Come on now Kotaku. I was a kid once on the internet. I lied about my age once to sign up for Neopets, which had text forums, private messages and user-created pages. You could even use HTML and hotlink images. It really wasn’t a big deal because my parents paid attention to what I did online, and the audience of the website was just children or people who wanted to play a simple game.
My mom ended up playing it, so she must have known I lied about my age to get access. She had hella neopoints.
For content marked 17+, you do need to verify your age with documentation
WHY IS THERE CONTENT FOR 17+ ON ROBLOX? Isn’t this the TRUE child safety problem? Why do this at all? Why attract people looking for 17+ content on a platform for children??? I read that Hindenburg report, the entire platform is a mess. This company deserves to fail and those investors deserve to be left holding the bag.
Ahh yes the thing with the stock market and the random games made by anyone, totally safe for kids!
this image is one of the shittiest photoshop jobs i’ve ever seen