For example, on WhatsApp, use the whole 25 character limit for profile name. Examples:
Bob Moved To
Alice MovedTo
Say, not Signal, because they won’t know it’s an app.
Use your about section too. Same on Discord, Steam, Instagram, etc.
Neat idea, or, you could just tell them directly and be like “hey I’m not gonna respond here due to [reasons], come find me on signal if ya wanna chat”
People are usually more engaged when you communicate to them directly
Both. You got time to respond to everyone, go ahead but an auto reply bot works better.
PSA the mission never ends, padre! Last I heard Joseph of Arimathea had 26 conversions in AD 46.
Kinda cringe ngl. Makes it sound you joined a crypto scheme.
Sounds cringe, how about no.
Bob moved to -messenger-app-that-fails-to-deli ver-notifications
Bob moved to -messenger-app-that-never-syncs-properly
Bob moved to -messenger-app-nobody-uses
Bob has problems.