Well, where else are they going to find such a pure node of authoritarian-minded reactionary resentment? It’s not like they can just go to the local Klan meeting anymore.
It is the new Klan meeting. They just don’t wear the robes and hoods during them.
Red hats are more comfortable anyway.
some of those that join forces…
“Wanna really own the libs!?”
“So long as you’re not stopping a trump coup, you can shoot anyone you want! Some racial restrictions apply.”
Well of course. How else do you expect them to fight the imaginary gang problem?
“Imaginary”? But this whole article is about the gang problem.
The mayor is an old white man, and Republican in case that had to be said. Even he’s saying the problem is way overblown, and walked around an apartment building where a recent incident happened by himself. Obviously I’m not a fan of the guy, but I’ll give him credit for that.
Most of the latest stories came from a city councilwoman with a background in (checks notes) owning restaurants.
AbsoluteChicagoDog already explained correctly that I was alluding to the police and the attendees.
Ah, gotcha. I live just barely outside of Aurora and do most of my shopping and stuff there, plus a good friend of mine is very involved in their politics, so it stands out a little more for me.
Yes. The imaginary gang problem Republicans treat as real.
Do you think Haitians are eating pets in Springfield too?
They’re saying MAGA and police are gangs, which is true
Oh, well then yes, I agree with that.
Here’s a good starting point:
I’ve seen the rallies and frankly I don’t think many are going to pass the written or physical tests.
Well if those exist now anyway I’ve heard recruiting has gotten pretty lax.
Seen any slim, even-keeled, intelligent cops lately?
Its also been a while since I’ve seen one meeting fitness standards too.
Why am I not surprised? At this point I think the Aurora PD is pretty infamous but damn they’re not even going to make an attempt at pretending not to be an arm of a fascist movement.