“In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” Gosar wrote.
I’m sure a lot of people engaging in sodomy would enjoy their partners having large penises, but I’m not sure how that’s relevant. Or how or why Representative Gosar knows how big General Milley’s dick is right now.
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For clarification, I’m pretty sure a quisling is a gay grizzly bear.
I thought it was a chain sub shop that went out of business and hired that guy making the viral flash songs for advertising.
You’re thinking of Quasimodo. He’s talking about a TV program where they ask contestants trivia.
You’re thinking of quiz shows. This guy was talking about the famous movie director who did Reservoir Dogs and Django in Chains.
You’re thinking of Quinten Tarantino. It really means an expulsion of gas from the vagina.
No, that’s queefing. What they meant was separating themselves from others when they’re sick.
I think you’re confused; that’s quarantining. What they meant is when two people bicker or argue.
Oh hey, it’s that congressman whose so terrible even his own family endorse his opponent.
Yeah, he seems like a completely awful human being.
It’s a testament to how far the right has shifted that they think General Milley is a liberal.
Actually, scratch that. They don’t put people on a spectrum, they’re 100 percent “for us or against us.” There are trump supporters and everyone else, and the everyone else are by definition liberal scum.
“My Team No Matter What.”
The word is hanged, but I wouldn’t expect a politician to remember or pass 7th grade English. Pornstars are hung, traitors are hanged.
In fairness traitors might also be hung. I’m not gonna check but it’s possible.
It’s a Freudian slip. Gosar be 'mirin.
Pornstars are hung
Honestly Milley also looks like the kinda dude who could be hanging some serious dong.
Hung is also appropriate. It’s the past tense for hang.
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I take “Death thread against a federal employee 100”.
Yeah, if I threatened a general, I’d be in jail yesterday. Something has to be done about the GOP’s violent stochastic terrorism.
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You can do that? I didn’t know you could just do that.
What a disgrace.
General should drone strike his ass.