I’m pulling for Monday. Friday’s already mostly a write-off.
Id rather kill Wednesday.
I’d be so disappointed by this.
Every time I take a day off midweek, it feels like doubling the number of weeks in the week, rather than reducing the number of days.
When I worked 32 hours at my first job I took out the Wednesday. It’s a great rhythm to get into, two days of work and a day or two in between.
The 4 day work week likely won’t be established as the standard until Socialism is achieved and the bourgeoisie overthrown, but when that happens it will depend on the job and sector, likely working with different shifts to maintain 24/7 production but with lower workload. Probably a move to a 30 hour work-week, like what PSL suggests.
Don’t be so cynical!
The 4 day work week could be established under capitalism so it’s easier to have two fulltime jobs. 💀
I hate that you’re right…
Nah we’ll move to a three day work week but America will require you to work a minimum of 48 hours to qualify as full time.
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Neither. I’d remove Wednesdays.
Middle of the week off day lets you get all your errands done with little annoyance from or waiting behind the public, so you get everything knocked out and have your weekends 100% for you.
More importantly, on a 4 day workweek with Wed/Weekend off, you NEVER work more than two consecutive days. Ever. It’s fantastic.
If everyone had Wednesday off you would need to contend with the public though.
It’s the smartest option.
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I also vote Monday. Seems to be easier to get back to work after a Monday holiday vs a Friday holiday.
Part of me thinks Wednesday. I wouldn’t be surprised to see flex schedules more common in a 4 day work week world
Wednesday. Why work for 4 days straight when you could take a break in the middle
IMO I’d take the 3 day break every time. Being able to take the kids to their grandparents for a 3 day weekend, or stay another day on a weekend trip sounds too convenient to pass up.
Crazy thought, but what if it differed by industry? Something like blue collar jobs get Monday off, white collar gets Friday off. That way office workers can for example more easily stay home to get their cable serviced and plumbers can more easily meet with a mortgage agent. Obviously because of overlap it’s not perfect (office workers can’t meet with mortgage agent, plumbers can’t get their cable serviced), but there’s a huge issue currently with people working 9-5 M-F being unable to access services that are also only available 9-5 M-F, so this would at least distribute things a little more. (This kind of thing already exists for some industries like restaurants, where W-Su workweeks are common)
I’m on board with the complementarity objective, but dividing society by collar color is a means for distributing things less. Time barriers reinforce worker segmentation by industry. Different rituals and religious traditions evolve on either side, and Romeo and Juliet are lost in their respective crowds. Convinced their problem is too much work, Four Day Workweek Jesus arrives to champion a revolution towards a three day week, and Four Day Workweek Satan points out that arranging and organizing other people’s lives (for free!) has always been in support of the same capitalists that the bleeding heart Christians seem so upset about.
I’m imagining a white color and blue color worker couple each having an entire day to themselves in a week. Sounds like heaven, and the ideal relationship. I’m 100% onboard.
i will probably die of old age by the time we get a 4 day work week (im early 20s)
I save up my vacation every year and take as many Wednesdays off as possible. I prefer the break in the middle of the week. It has done wonders for my mental health and my ability to get shit done while everyone else is busy.
Hear hear! Monday/Friday off is overrated. Get rid of hump day!
UK majority of the bank holidays are on a Monday, so Fridays would be nice as otherwise you’d lose them and what would become long weekends now.
UK we are seeing a very slow shift to 4 day weeks for more privileged jobs, I work with two people who both have Fridays off as it’s an actual thing you can apply for at my employer.
While the Tories stopped councils from offering 4 day weeks to employees, it’s got to be coming back, further spreading its availability.
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Friday only because Garfield would probably have to change to “I hate Tuesdays”.
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I second this, but only for work from home folks.
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Their point was that working onsite half a day is shit. No one likes commuting to work.
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How is that better than working from home that half day?
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Wednesday. I’ve been doing that for years. It’s nice because it feels relaxing and still part of the work week, so still productive.
I can usually swap it for a Monday or Friday with a week or so’s notice, if I want to take a long weekend some time.
Also I get more public holidays than if I took Monday off.
Yeah, that’s what I want. 3 days off in a row is nice, but not having to work 3 days in a row sounds amazing
I have worked this schedule at a job I disliked. Never more than about 32 hours from time off felt amazing.
There’s a lot of optimism in this thread, so if I may imagine Sophie kicking the dust instead of choosing…
Assuming such a thing did happen it’d only happen for a subset of the population, which would then be divided such that one group gets Monday and the other gets Friday while service workers get two more nights of labor.