Recently traveled abroad and was shocked at how dystopian moving through borders is anymore. Scans after scans of passports, fingerprinting, face scans, questions about intentions for visiting, paperwork, cameras throughout airports that are surely doing untold amounts of biometric analysis with some bullshit AI…in some of these places you get laughed at if you ask about opting out. It almost isn’t worth it.
The showing that devices work seems to be the weirdest thing. Like somebody couldn’t put a large enough amount of explosive into a cell phone simply by shrinking the battery down to give it like 5 minutes of run time.
My old Note 4 had a zero lemon battery pack. It made the phone an inch thick.
You probably can’t fit a large enough explosive in a cell phone battery compartment to reliably crash a plane by exploding it anywhere in the passenger cabin, though that seems like more of an airport security thing than a customs thing.
Back then I was both surprised and creeped out by the idea some stranger would look over my shoulder when I use my device. Nowadays, you need to hand out your device and provide the pin to unlock it. I honestly miss the good old days.
We recently got a demonstration of that with the “spicy pager” attack Israel pulled. A laptop could be even more devastating.