Damn liberals, first we need to plant more trees now suddenly plants are bad for the environment? When will you snowflakes make up your mind /s
Isn’t this how alien plagues start?
February 22
We haven’t had signs for 18 months, that ain’t bad
Life, uh, finds a way…
Well at least the apocalypse will be pretty
The antarctic treaty expires in 2048. Just 25 years away…
So are these goddam communist scientists saying that penguins don’t deserve flowers?!?!
So are these goddam communist scientists saying that penguins don’t deserve flowers?!?!
“signs of life show the catastrophe approaching”
Edit: I’m so sorry. I ment to write that in sarcasm font.
There’s not supposed to be that kind of life there, that’s the problem.
I mean, there’s not supposed to be anything anywhere. Life fills niches. There’s no “supposed to” about it. Whether that’s good or bad for other life is a different matter.
You must be fun at parties.
Depends on the conversation. There are a lot of misunderstandings around evolution.
Good for Antartica, bad for the rest of the planet.