It’s happening anyway. We build them. Others build them in response because they have to. The sophistication of killbots will increase. Terrorists will get hold of them eventually. They’ll be hacked and turned on their handlers and/or civilians.
All this is on top of ever increasing climate catastrophe. Look at Appalachia. The topography of those mountains was just rewritten. Whole towns erased like they were never there.
My first post was about letting the army fuck around and find out. Let the natural course of events remind them of those scifi movies they forgot about.
You keep changing what you’re saying. Either “let it happen,” in which case you are approving of thousands of lives lost so that the army can fuck around and find out or it is happening regardless, in which case, your “let it happen” thing is silly.
Also, it can very easily not happen via international law. That’s why there’s not a biological weapons arms race.
Yall are getting all up in your feelings over a joke. My initial post was a joke. This thread has since morphed into a convo about the inevitability of the MIC and international law. (International law is mostly meaningless now. The genocide in Gaza has seen to that. Sure it’ll be respected when it’s convenient. But much of the authority it once commanded has been greatly diminished.)
Either way. Spades are broke. Killbots are inevitable. Remember how during G-Dub’s war on peace the US just unilaterally dictated anyone within X feet of a bomb impact or drone strike was automatically designated a valid “enemy combatant”? They’ll do that again. They’ll change definitions to skirt whatever international law inconveniences them at the time.
I mean, I’d rather not be hunted down by an AI robot dog, but you do you.
It’s happening anyway. We build them. Others build them in response because they have to. The sophistication of killbots will increase. Terrorists will get hold of them eventually. They’ll be hacked and turned on their handlers and/or civilians.
All this is on top of ever increasing climate catastrophe. Look at Appalachia. The topography of those mountains was just rewritten. Whole towns erased like they were never there.
That’s not a reason for me to want it to happen. Which was your original post’s suggestion.
My first post was about letting the army fuck around and find out. Let the natural course of events remind them of those scifi movies they forgot about.
Let them fuck around and find out to the tune of how many lives?
Thousands at least. The more effective the killbots are the more money our war economy will throw at warbot R&D.
This is happening. Nothing on this planet can stop it.
You keep changing what you’re saying. Either “let it happen,” in which case you are approving of thousands of lives lost so that the army can fuck around and find out or it is happening regardless, in which case, your “let it happen” thing is silly.
Also, it can very easily not happen via international law. That’s why there’s not a biological weapons arms race.
Yall are getting all up in your feelings over a joke. My initial post was a joke. This thread has since morphed into a convo about the inevitability of the MIC and international law. (International law is mostly meaningless now. The genocide in Gaza has seen to that. Sure it’ll be respected when it’s convenient. But much of the authority it once commanded has been greatly diminished.)
Either way. Spades are broke. Killbots are inevitable. Remember how during G-Dub’s war on peace the US just unilaterally dictated anyone within X feet of a bomb impact or drone strike was automatically designated a valid “enemy combatant”? They’ll do that again. They’ll change definitions to skirt whatever international law inconveniences them at the time.