Hear me out: inbreeding.
I don’t think inbreeding is going to solve this
Outbreeding? (Alien bussy)?
According to porn hub, plenty of people are committed to trying.
Inbreeding is what caused crooked teeth
Look at the inbred dogs and cats, not hard to understand
the original comment is a joke, you didn’t need to clarify
Why do our teeth grow in less perfectly now?
The main contributing factor to the recent increase in malocclusion is widely considered to be due to a sharp reduction in chewing stress, especially during critical periods of craniofacial growth.[10][1] Experiments done on non-human subjects have shown that induced nasal blockages and/or dietary changes earlier in life lead to maladaptive morphological change in their jaws, intended to simulate what we are observing globally in human children.[4] Significant craniofacial changes due to diet have even been experimentally shown in pigs during development; researchers fed groups either a hard-consistency diet or a soft-consistency diet, for eight months in total.[11] Drastic differences in jaw and facial musculature, facial structure, and tooth-crowding were observed; researchers directly related the findings to what we are observing more in human populations.[11]
so too much damn baby food?
more like eating more processed food. and I mean like ‘gone through a cooking process’ kind of way. We do a lot more now than just burn our meat and eat veggies raw to get nutrients. we simply just don’t need to work our jaws so hard to get what we need
if only my wisdom teeth got the memo :+:
I recall also reading about people in Australia and some other places with diets consisting of harder food for developing babies/toodlers having better jaw/teeth ratios and straighter teeth despite no regular access to a dentist, which kind of corroborates the findings.
Should we be giving our toddlers bones to chew on?
For real though, what about people who have gaps in their teeth? Did they have too much hard food?
because people with very bad teeth survive nowadays
Our food is way softer so we don’t chew enough to maximise the growth of our maxillae and jaws.
We eat soft, processed foods now. We used to graze and chew constantly, which helps the jaw grow properly.
I think I’d read before that it was because most of our foods now are soft foods so our teeth/jaws are not as strong.
Sugar content of our food is one of the reasons I read before as well.
Everyone who’s replied to you so far are wrong and speculating. The real issue is actually lack of nutrition and exercise for the mouth. We’re not growing our jaws out quite right while our teeth are coming in.
this also sounds like speculation.
I’ll admit I don’t have a citation. I just remember it from a video about how this African dude had magnificent teeth because of the environment he grew up in.
Edit: Oh nice, you found a wiki page which validates my thing!
We eat shitty food
Before we cut our food in perfectly sized bites with utensils our ancestors used to do it by biting into large pieces of food with their front teeth. That would wear them down evenly to form a nice flat bite.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the skeleton of someone who died way younger than we think as well.
My dentist said that it’s because we don’t chew much. We just eat a lot of soft stuff which somehow negativity affects teeth such that they don’t grow properly.
Could be, there’s a similar remedy to wisdom teeth growing sideways. Apparently the body needs some sort of a signal for direction, so if you chew on a stick (e.g. a pencil) for 10-15 minutes each day, they should reallign themselves.