Cool cool cool. The dark games list is basically all the play store recommendations
Keep in mind that the recommendations are likely influenced by being in the top 200, which is where they look for games to review. Careful of correlation fallacy
At the same time, the goal of dark patterns to to make people spend more money. Given that revenue is very likely one of the key things Google wants (and thus promotes) out of apps, its also entirely expected that the apps people find are largely those who try and get the most money from users, which requires dark patterns.
Exactly. I’m not blaming Google entirely, though I do condemn them for being an example of what emerges from a system who’s only incentive is maximum profit.
Can’t find your game? We’ve tried to include all games that make it into the top 200 on the App Store charts.
This appears to only cover mobile games. I’d love to see something similar for PC/console releases…
From the website: “We are starting with iOS and Android games because this is where most dark patterns appear, but we will be adding other platforms soon.” So that looks good for your request.
Anecdotally Fifa (EA FC or whatever they’re calling it now) would have to be up there. Hadn’t played it in years but gave it a go last season as it was free on Game Pass.
They’ve combined the addictiveness of card collecting with loot box mechanics, FOMO and moving the goalposts (pun intended) to get the best players. The gameplay also seemed pretty rigged to prevent grinding rewards out.
Then when the new game is out, rather than dishing out all the rewards to those still playing it instead becomes infeasible to unlock any more decent players so you’re pretty much stuck with what you have.
Even if you pay full price for the next game you’ll have to use low stat players as they only seem to start releasing decent ones half way through the season.
That’s sad to hear. It’s been a long time since I’ve played any sports games and I had a hankering recently but everything has shit reviews and I keep coming across stories like yours.
Remember a game would come out with everything you need to enjoy the game? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Not sure of they fixed Diablo, but that one had some dark mechanics for the season stuff making people accidentally get the premium.
Most games fit multiple categories of dark patterns. Almost all gachas have 90% of these
Many of the games listed here have old or dead links, and you can’t sort by rating either. I had a very bad time finding games using this site.
Oh fun. A game series I used to work on is on the Dark Games first page.
Great site, lots of info on gamification
Interesting, but its based on user generated input, so this data could easily be manipulated by someone that doesn’t like particular games creating a few accounts to add bad data.
After spending days reading this website, write out case study, I can fully quit my mobile game addiction
So the only mobile game I really play often is Mad Skills BMX 2 which has 0 dark patterns. Yay
im glad it also highlights the ones that have less of these patterns, some really good games there
deleted by creator
I was honestly expecting a worse rating for my favourite gacha games, not gonna lie…good to see that objective opinions are still around.