The Secret Service has launched a probe into an X post by Elon Musk in which he tweeted that “no one is even trying” to kill Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.
The tech billionaire deleted the post on his X platform and passed it off as a “joke.” However, the White House did not find it funny and instead called it “irresponsible.”
“Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about,” the White House said in a statement. Now the Secret Service is involved.
It’s funny/scary how quickly people abandon the first amendment the minute somebody says something gross.
Guess you haven’t seen this one?
Guess you missed the part where the person was talking about seeking a legal result not just shitting on Elon?
Guess you missed the part where two private citizens involved in a lawsuit is not the government.
What part of Leon Musk and Taylor Swift are the government in this violation of First Amendment rights?