Also well known for foiling evil plots while wearing a fedora.
Evolution was all like: Ok, so which mutations would you like to advance? The venomous thing? The aquatic thing? The electrocuting enemies thing? The no stomach hack? The “Fun at parties” hack?
Platypus: Yes.
And they sweat milk!
The UV light thing wasn’t discovered (or at least published) until 2020.
Phineas and Ferb ended in 2015.Valid reason to bring it back.
They did bring it back lol
And guess what color they fluoresce.
It is worth mentioning that when the first stuffed sample of platypus was sent to Britain, the scientists thought it is a joke.
And some of those same scientists later organized a mass slaughter of thousands of platypuses in order to determine if the stories about them were true. Science, bitches!
Like the universe got lazy and hit the “Randomize for me” button instead LMAO
Will Wright took one look at this thing in an encyclopedia in 2001 and immediately started planning Spore.
Ok who’s got pics of the glowing platypus?
Hell yeah
Seeing living platypus is high on my bucket list, I’m still not convinced it’s not a hoax
You can just go see one at the zoo; they’re usually with the marsupials and chupacabras.
I thought you put capybara and just kinda thought you were also implying they were a pseudo SCP.
Creationists: gOd WoRkS iN mYsTeRiOs WayS
And Dan Povenmire was the first to discover the florescence. People Perry the platypus was more scientifically accurate than you thought.
I’d like to be, oooohhhh my favorite animal
I want to be, oooohhhh my favorite animal
I’d be a platypus, for you
Venomous? But…if not friend, why friend shaoed???
Just the males, iirc.
They have venomous spurs in their hind feet used in chasing off other males.
Glows under UV, AND is Fluorescent? Remarkable.
And it has natural eyeliner
No stomach?!