Any critiques, desire for clarity, outright hatred, whatever have you. I will respond the best I can.

I know there’s been some blowback on some of the policy updates but it’s been difficult to really explain fully that the restrictive content policy is temporary, this community was very unmanaged for a time and it had to be reigned in somehow and with the limited tools at disposal the temporary policy changes were made.

Here’s a comment that also explains a little bit behind the decisions made recently as well.

For community mods, we have a community mod coord matrix group chat now. Feel free to DM about it.

Also, there’s another ongoing discussion regarding SFW communities on lemmyNSFW here.

    2 years ago

    I wanted to express that I’m extremely concerned about the banning of @paddedperson and the deletion of their thread saying that they were migrating away from lemmynsfw.

    As far as I can tell, @paddedperson was banned for leaking preliminary information about upcoming content policy changes from the admin discussion group. In my view, they were legitimate concerns, and retaliatory action taken against him are very concerning with respect to treatment of whistleblowers.

    Can admins comment on this incident?

    Truly transparent non-profit organizations (e.g. Wikipedia) typically release meeting minutes (a summary or transcript), or allow the public to attend voting meetings as part of the audience. Can the admins provide a summary or transcript of the votes taken on various decisions?