Hi everyone, I decided there simply were not enough docker apps for downloading Youtube videos, and so I made the situation worse :p
In all seriousness, I couldn’t find one that fulfilled all my desires in a YT downloader, so I wrote my own in python using pytubefix and streamlit. It’s still fairly rough, but it works, and i’d love to get your feedback. Installation is just a simple docker compose.
container_name: pytube-gui
image: artisanbytecrafter/pytube-gui:develop
- 8501:8501
- /path/to/downloads:/app/downloads # set to where you want downloads to go
Please let me know if you run into any issues, or have any feedback. I do still have a long list :)
Source code: https://codeberg.org/ArtisanByteCrafter/pytube-gui
While I’m not able to give it a try right now (just woke up, need to get ready for work…) I just wanna thank you for sharing your work and contributing to the community !!
It looks neat and simple :) !!!
Thank you!
I decided there simply were not enough docker apps for downloading Youtube videos, and so I made the situation worse :p
You get my upvote for this alone!
Works pretty good but basic error handling is missing. I made a issue and a PR for it already. My first try at streamlit.
Thanks, looking over the PR now and testing it locally, should be good to merge very soon.
About https://codeberg.org/ArtisanByteCrafter/pytube-gui/issues/7 Would it be ok if i try the playlist integration or do you want to do your things first?
I use Seal on Android and yt-dlp-gui on Linux because they’re native apps using native theming/design languages, but it’s always cool to have another option!
+1 for yt-dlp
Idea for an unrelated browser extension:
Add like 5-6 reccomended videos with similar tags for a platform other than YT to the top of YT Reccomendations.
For people who want to spend less time on YT but dont want to spend more time searching.
I like the [Max Quality] option. Much fancy, very wow.
Wow, thank you kind sir 😊
Is it possible to submit a channel and download all the videos (also new videos when they are released).
TubeArchivist sounds like a better fit for that.