I see what the writer is saying for sure but I’ll be honest and say Spider-Man wasn’t the best choice of superhero to try to make this point
Yeah, Ironman, Captain Marvel and Black Panther are better options.
I just want to start this sentence with saying that I know literally nothing about Captain America, but I’m willing to bet that Captain America would be a much better choice. Maybe not the current reincarnation, as most movie studios have realized that not everyone is pro establishment. But maybe Captain America of a few decades ago.
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Since spiderman was used as an example I’ll list the villains for the newer spider man films, you tell me where the films are promoting the status quo:
Homecoming: a group of criminals who stole incredibly advanced weapons and used them to terrorize communities in new york.
Far from home: a guy gets really pissed that some technology that he made for a company was property of the company, starts endangering civilians to make him look like a hero.
No way home: Classic spider man villains from other universes come to this Spiderman’s universe, spider man tries to help them improve themselves and there lives
This comic is just a “quit having fun” but with leftist pandering
Homecoming: Blue collar workers are told they’re fired and replaced by billionaire Tony Stark’s new government backed company, Haliburton. I mean Defence Force or something. System failed them so they said fuck it.
Far From Home: Billionaire’s company steals invention of his employee and passes it off as his own. Makes more billions. Dozens of the employees quit to support employee’s new plans of taking back his tech and usurping Billionaire’s world dominance. System failed them so they said fuck it.
No Way Home: Literally just a movie about how Spiderman and the system failed these “villains” who really just needed support with mental health and navigating a shit system.
Yes and it’s also about how all that doesn’t justify killing people.
I don’t understand people who push this narrative. It’s generally just… not true?
Have you watched a superhero movie or read a comic book? Nearly every villain is just a violent person trying to change things and the hero fights to keep things the way they are.
Ok but not ALL change is good. Conflating “we should improve society” with “let’s start giving people alien weaponry for cash” is asinine.
Never have I seen a villain trying to change things for the better. World domination, sure
OP would enjoy Watchmen
“I grew up poor, my family had to struggle, my uncle beat me and/or died… but instead of getting handouts!, life threw me a curve ball and radiated/bit me into bootstrapping myself! and helping my community or something. I dunno, cops don’t show up anymore.”
superheroes are “benign” fascists which I’d why they have to be supernatural to exist.
We need to stop pretending this marvel movies are woke. Zemo should not be the good guy.
Comic book zemo no, but this is a different Zemo with a different origin.
Exactly, but I don’t think the writers see it that way
Zemo? The same incompetent-but-indestructible Zemo of Hydra? Good Guy?
Movie zemo
I probably didn’t watch it. Now that it think of it, i stopped watching new marvel movies after ant-man.
They took the nazi aspect out of his character.
The actual superhero/blockbuster/action/thriller propaganda is that problems are always caused by a few bad apples. But there is no spoiling the bunch. Once the newspaper and honorable elder governmentals get wind of it all is return to the good old status quo.
That is the real problem - that we learned to not question the rules of the system that lead to negative outcomes. That rules and conditions that make negative outcomes all but inevitable.
Of course debating the financing of institutions and bylaws that impact socioeconomic policies would make for an awfully dull superhero movie!
Not really… What hero/story is this?
These movies are all about mass destruction, aliens and fast travel around the planet, universe and interdimensionally. They aren’t about protecting unrealized capital gains or a villain that takes control of all abandoned vehicles in junk yards, illegally parks them in cities with his mind and then jeopardizes police time with them writing millions of parking tickets that will NEVER… BE… PAID!!!
The first Black Panther kinda goes Iike the comic I guess
Sounds like Megamind type of plan
I can’t even remember the last time a superhero was like this.
“Shows”? So Loki and The Boys, then? One is about dimensions, and the other is the exact polar opposite of this idea.
Rewatching old Batman TAS and am surprised how many times I take the criminal’s side. Batman there just reinforcing the capitalist patriarchy. Turns out he’s not the hero we need.
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