I got key-logged by an abusive parent when I was 14. If that doesn’t make you take digital privacy and security seriously, nothing else will.
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PRISM, the American empire mass espionage program
I hate ads.
I thought I was doing great protecting my information. Then a former employer was hacked and everything is out there including my mother’s maiden name.
But hey I got one year of credit monitoring for free… helpful when my credit has been locked since forever…
Initally Facebook, but then also Google and Microsoft.
I was actually praising Google for some reason when I was still in elementary school. I discovered Firefox, uBlock Origin and other stuff then got into privacy at the age of 14.
Windows 10
I wanted the freedom of Android/Linux, then privacy was easy
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because i hate injustice, and one day figured that surveillance enables imbalance of power, therefore injustice.
Working at an online video ad server, which was subsequently acquired by Kabletown, with a K.
Big tech made me do it. I wish it were the standard procedure.
The uncovering of the magnitudes of the privacy violations of PRISM around 2013.